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Game Reviews

DmC: Devil May Cry

Developer:  Ninja Theory

Publisher:  Capcom

Genre:  Action, Adventure, Hack n Slash​


I recently just finished playing the latest instalment in the Devil May Cry series, DmC: Devil May Cry. It is basically a reboot to a series and MY GOD! It was awesome! From the story line to the shit talking young Dante, Son of Sparda, it was all cool. The combat mechanics in the game was really good. We're basically given  the whole plot on Dante's life before he became a professional devil hunter. The game gives the players a chance to discover the characters roots. How the fallout with Virgil started and much more. The only thing that I had gripes about was Dante's voice actor, Tim Philipps. He played the shit talking narcissistic Dante flawlessly but when it came time for cut scenes where raw emotion was required Tim Philipps did not deliver. I just couldn't feel the emotions being delivered in that cut scene. In those cut scenes it just seemed like he wasn't even  trying or something.
But all in all it was a good game with a good plot and decent voice acting.





Dying Light

Developer: Techland

Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

Genre: Parkour, Adventure, Horror


Dying light combines the mechanics of parkour and survival. Simply put the mechanics were amazing. The environment in general was very interactive.
The noise mechanic was an excellent addition the more noise you made the more zombies you attracted. And of course, who can forget the horrifying screams if you made too much noise.
The good people at Techland did not let anything go to waste. Even  though most game developers put in a mechanic just for the heck of it. Techland did no such thing. It adds a layer of depth to the game and shows how dangerous such a world can be, especially at night.
Another thing that adds to the experience of dying light is the limited supplies. It is a nightmare especially when you are low on supplies such as med kits or other crafting materials.
The most crucial part of the game, crafting! Looking all over Harran, doing side quests for that extra green and of course breaking into people’s houses and stealing their stuff because obviously a parkour expert needs it more than ordinary people.
Why did people want money? I do not get it, this mechanic was most unappealing to me because people live in a city infested with zombies. I doubt making that paper tho is the least of their concerns, but then again I could be wrong.
This was my most favorite mechanic because parkour guys! Who doesn’t love that shit?
This was both an amazing feature at the same time what took away a bit of the immersive experience from the game. How could I repair a dented beyond repair spade by just adding metal parts. “Oh no my chain saw is busted. It’s a good thing I have metal stuff!” :D Because logic!

At the end, speaking mechanics vise “Dying Light” is basically a game where ‘Mirror’s Edge’ meets ‘Far Cry’ meets ‘Zombies’.
The story had it’s twists and turns but it did not leave me thinking by the end of it. It was not all that much captivating. As personally for me, I enjoy an amazing story and plot. Without it, a game simply cannot captivate me. 

If you’re a person who plays games for the game play and not the story then Dying Light to you is a masterpiece.






The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Developer:  CD Projekt RED

Publisher:  CD Projekt

Genre:  Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Role-playing game​


So I just finished playing the The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. I wanted to get this review out while everything is still fresh in my mind.

I have to say WOW! Such an amazing game. I am going to compare it to Skyrim since that is a similar genre and was widely acclaimed when it was first released. Okay, so let me first say that ‘The Witcher 3’ has Skyrim beat in terms of scenery, storyline, interactivity with the world, and soundtracks.

I have played both games and while I liked Skyrim at the time, I quickly grew bored of it after finishing the main story line. There wasn’t much else to do, I felt that in Skyrim I had no impact on the world. Skyrim compared to The Witcher 3 was quite a dull game. Why? I’ll explain:

  1. Let us talk about the scenery and graphics of The Witcher 3 were simply to die for. Such a beautiful world. From the filthy and poverty stricken cities to the lush green forests to the snowy peaks. Skyrim’s scenery also caught my eye but I have to lean more towards The Witcher 3 on this one.

  2. Moving on to the soundtracks or background music whatever you want to call it. HOLY SHIT! So amazing especially when you’re roaming the Isles of Skellige. It made the scenery come to life. Every track was perfect for each of the places you were roaming.

  3. Now let us talk about the interactivity and storyline, The Witcher 3’s storyline amazing. Although a bit slow at first but once you get past the initial stages, MY GOD! It is amazing. I was hooked played for…erm…erm…I think I need to let my friends and family know I am alive. Also the interactivity, BRILLIANT! So amazing! I actually felt that the choices I made had an effect on the world. Whereas Skyrim didn’t really offer the same level of interaction or satisfaction to me.

Now let us mention some of the bad things The Witcher 3 had:

  1. No lockpicks! Seriously, it was so annoying to find keys and open doors. And so many times I wished there was a lock pick mechanic so that I could open a few locked doors I came across.

  2. Secondly, there is this really emotional scene. You know loved ones die, etc, etc. But didn’t really connect to it. Why? Voice acting…if you’ve played through it you know what I mean.

  3. Another thing I had gripes with was a few caves did not have a quick exit like they did in Skyrim, where I would go in on one end and just exit it through a nearby exit. At times, which was most of the time, I found myself lost in very big caves. Took me nearly 15 or 20 minutes to get out of one of them.

Final word, PLAY IT! Such an amazing game. I loved it maybe you’ll like it too.





The Vanishing of Ethan Carter

Developer: The Astronauts

Publisher: The Astronauts

Genre: Mystery, Adventure, Horror


The Vanishing of Ethan Carter is a horror adventure game developed by the Astronauts. You (the player) is thrust into this mysterious world or valley as a detective who had recieved a letter from a boy named Ethan Carter (Must have been a damn good letter).

The game started out excellent. You are basically just put at the starting point of Red Creek Valley and now you need find out what happend to Ethan. First of all, this game gives you a message that it will not hold your hand and it means every word of it. You get no hints, no directions, nothing. You have to find out everything all on your own, which I found to be great. This game had great tension build up. It had none of those jump scare cliches. It uses the player's fear of the unknown and lets the enviornment build up your level of fear. And to top it all off, it is wrapped up in a good murder mystery. However, now coming to what was wrong with the game, everything was great in the game except the ending. In my opinion, I think the developers tried to be very philosophical but failed because I did not get the ending at all. It really ruined the entire build up that the game was doing. I personally, was very disappointed by the ending because it keeps on mentioning this sleeper thing throughout the game and you feel well by the ending you should've all the answers. NOPE!

So, final word, it was good game. Try it if you want.






Murdered: Soul Suspect

Developer:  Airtight Games

Publisher:  Square Enix

Genre:  Action, Adventure, Stealth, Mystery


After finishing this game all I can say is MY GOD THAT WAS SO COOL!

So, Murdered Soul Suspect is developed Airtight Games, first time I have heard of them. In this game you play the ghost of Detective Ronan who is seeking to move on in order to be with his deceased wife. However, in order to move Detective Ronan must resolve unfiinished business in order to move on. Which is basically finding his killer.

Moving on from that, this game is so unique. I honestly have never played a game like it in my entire life. The story is amazing. The mystery makes never stop playing until you have resolved the mystery and the stealth mechanics in this game are also unique. This game also gives its own take on Demons, Ghosts and the relationship between the two entities. You basically hide from demons in other ghosts' residue or something like that. But you can also stealth kill demons which is really cool. Everytime I killed a demon I would refer to myself as the demon killer. I think if I go into any more details I would be introducing spoilers.

Final word, Play this game! I highly recommend it!





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