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This page is dedicated to all the games which I started playing but in the end I did not complete because of a number of reasons but each reason explaining why they were bad. Since, I did not complete these games they were not eligible for a proper review. Hence, the Rejected Games page.

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing

More like the shitty adventures of Van Helsing. The moment the game loaded the main menu I knew that this game was going to be absolute SHIT! First off if you are going to add a feature where you create your character, don't add such a badass looking character to the cover. I mean I am willing to bet that when everyone looked at that cover everybody and their mums wanted to play this character. But NO! Instead we are given a choice of choosing between a Knight , Mage, Bounty Hunter, etc. That just disappointed everyone. I mean look at the guy on the cover. Everything from the guy's attire to his gun and sword screams badass.

Secondly, the game is basically an attempt at recreating Diablo III but with the label of Van Helsing instead, which of course led  to the games ultimate failiure in my eyes.

Thirdly, the voice acting is garbage. I mean literal garbage. The voice actors were trying to sound good rather than convincing or true to their character. I got bored after the first quest.

Final word, Don't play this shit. Unless you want to waste your time.


I shit you not until today I thought this game's name was Shawden. So Shawden...Shadwen is another game on the rejected list. In this game stealth is everything or so the developers tell me. When I read this game's plot I was interested and I thought this game might have potential but this game is so annoying.

There is a cutscene in the beginning where this assassin lady kills this king I think but then doesn't kill his daughter. Then she says now what am I going to do with you. Exit cutscene. At this point you're waiting to play this assassin lady in all her glory but here is the thing in the first objective which is never ending (I didn't finish it too long) you play the little girl whose daddy has just been killed and you have to get to a church. What? Of all the opening missions to begin with you went with a little girl running sneakily towards a church. I am mad because since the developers told me that everything in this game would be stealth related. I was also expecting alot of heavy parkour. From start to finish but instead I am given a shitty mission of a little girl sneaking past guards to get to a church.

The controls of this game were horrific. To rotate the camera angle so you could see what was ahead or behind was absolutely horrific. My grandmother, who can't even walk anymore, turns around faster than this game.

FInal word, I don't like this game.

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